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All in Business
Hospitals and healthcare systems must find ways to reduce costs without reducing the quality of care. Optimum Healthcare IT has created a program to stay ahead of the curve of these ever-changing technology systems.
Tucked away in Southside is Alluvion Staffing, a company dedicated to providing top-tier talent for the Jacksonville business community. Their rapid growth is a testament to this commitment.
As Phillips put it, “We’ve given them their life back; they were doing the same work we are now, but between 8 p.m. and midnight.”
First Street has been in chaos due to the rerouting of a new water line in preparation for the $99 million remodel of Business 40, which will begin in 2018. The water-line work is being completed in 2-block segments along 1st Street between Church Street and Peters Creek Parkway.
Many people know BJ Coleman as a former quarterback for the Green Bay Packers, but he’s hung up his jersey and traded in for a nice suit.